13:56:26 From John Englart to Everyone: Rhydian Cowley 13:57:48 From John Englart to Everyone: VCAN rolling minutes are here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13TEXJ_pxs8VINuS1FVizHRZjTL3ZiXiWhfZhXudlugA/edit?usp=sharing 14:08:22 From John Englart to Everyone: Sports for Climate Action UNFCCC statement https://unfccc.int/climate-action/sectoral-engagement/sports-for-climate-action 14:09:31 From Tam Wurrunjeri Climate Emergency to Everyone: I was told that Sports people in Kooyong told them J Frydenberg was nice and sponsored them so they wanted to support him possibly means voted for him. 14:14:58 From Rhydian C to Everyone: Sports Environment Alliance works with Sports to develop sustainability strategies. Richmond AFL just launched an Environmental action group (REACT) 14:16:22 From John Englart to Everyone: https://www.sportsenvironmentalliance.org/ 14:16:23 From Rhydian C to Everyone: https://www.richmondfc.com.au/news/1024916/richmond-green-let-s-play-today-for-tomorrow/ 14:16:24 From Tony Gleeson ( Wurundjeri) to Everyone: Sports Environmental Alliance 14:17:55 From Tam Wurrunjeri Climate Emergency to Everyone: Hi Laura, Great to have a chance to talk to you today. The Australian Parents for CLimate Action is very important for us, other Climte Actions groups to alliance with. I am a member of Kooyng Clima Chance Allaince. I hope you think it is a useful and good idea 14:23:19 From Tony Gleeson ( Wurundjeri) to Everyone: Check out “Impact League” 14:29:50 From Rhydian C to Everyone: https://www.climatecouncil.org.au/resources/game-set-match-sports-climate-change/ 14:30:19 From Tony Gleeson ( Wurundjeri) to Everyone: Thanks Rhydian 14:31:20 From Rhydian C to Everyone: Theres also this content from SEA designed for grassroots sports clubs taking climate action. https://www.noplanetnoplay.org/content/more-info 14:34:23 From John Englart to Everyone: Synthetic turf use for sports literature review https://takvera.blogspot.com/2021/04/literature-review-synthetic-turf-carbon.html 14:36:52 From Belinda Haydon, GECAN - Wurundjeri lands to Everyone: Artificial turf is masses of plastic, and they need to be watered, especially because they are a massive heat island - too hot to run on if not watered!! 14:38:11 From Tony Gleeson ( Wurundjeri) to Everyone: Belinda Baggs - Surfers for Climate Action Front Runners - David & Emma Pocock Cool Down Sports 26COP26 Manifesto 14:42:58 From Tam Wurrunjeri Climate Emergency to Everyone: So Artificial Turf stuffed with plastic which beak down fast into the soil because it is under heavy contant impoct, Stops rain watner to go through and be absorded under ground, still requires watering. Thank you for all these. I'll give my park local group this info. They are hving a hard time fighting artificial turf on the GArdiner Creek Sport ground. 14:43:05 From Bruce Cutts - GECAN (Boon Wurrung) to Everyone: Sustainable plant based synthetic turf is a less worse alternative to fossil fuel sourced synthetic turf. Not sure of availability in Australia… This website is from a company in Sacramento USA https://synlawnsacramento.com/blog/synrenew-the-solution-to-environmentally-sustainable-artificial-turf/ 14:45:06 From Tam Wurrunjeri Climate Emergency to Everyone: Thank you Craig and Rhydian for all this info. 14:45:36 From Tam Wurrunjeri Climate Emergency to Everyone: Thanks Bruce for your plnt based turf info. 14:49:01 From John Englart to Everyone: Thanks Bruce, that might be useful for sports like Hockey that are close to 100% synthetic turf, but doesn't resoolve all the environmental impacts 15:03:37 From Belinda Haydon & Peter Vadiveloo, GECAN - Wurundjeri lands to Everyone: With regard to getting sporting clubs/facilities (and schools and other community facilities) there is a great new initiative that can support that - the Metropolitan Community Power Hub - needs engagement and support from local climate action networks, and I believe a number of groups represented here are involved. So it can happen in parallel with gov support (this initiative is supported by Sustainability Victoria) - Belinda 15:05:25 From Ann Sanson DCAN to Everyone: Thanks, Belinda, I was about to mention the Hub myself. DCAN is a partner in it and it certainly does provide an opportunity to engage with sports clubs to reduce there carbon footprints. 15:05:29 From Tam Wurrunjeri Climate Emergency to Everyone: Hi Rhydia Lily D'Amborcio said statistics showed the government that it was the people who annuan income under $ 100000 annually get more solar on roof. 15:06:51 From Belinda Haydon & Peter Vadiveloo, GECAN - Wurundjeri lands to Everyone: Metro Community Power Hub https://www.yef.org.au/mcph/ 15:08:23 From Ann Sanson DCAN to Everyone: Before long there are going to be millions of climate refugees desperate to come here! 15:09:13 From John Englart to Everyone: Australian immigration = pop growth economic stimulus, and we haven't decoupled growth from GHG emissions or environmental impacts 15:10:54 From John Englart to Everyone: Sports Environment Alliance new members: https://www.sportsenvironmentalliance.org/news/category/New+Members+%26+Partners 15:11:14 From Belinda Haydon & Peter Vadiveloo, GECAN - Wurundjeri lands to Everyone: Loving you take on things and how you articulate them, thanks Rhydian. 15:11:28 From Belinda Haydon & Peter Vadiveloo, GECAN - Wurundjeri lands to Everyone: *your 15:15:03 From John Englart to Everyone: Left on the agenda: Brief update on critical Victorian Government inquiries. See attached docs: · Gas winter demand and critical planning processes · Victoria - the processing physical flow and storage of fossil gas Election Strategy · Update Group reports: News and items of interest since last meeting, upcoming actions, etc. 15:16:20 From Jim Crosthwaite to Everyone: Big things in gas in Vic Govt decisions 15:16:34 From Jim Crosthwaite to Everyone: Gas Substitution Roadmap - To be released December 2021. Inquiry into Renewable Energy by Victoria’s Parliament - submissions close Fri 26 November, Access Arrangements for the Victorian Transmission System, owned by APA- draft due 1 Dec ’21, final June ’22. APA Western Outer Ring Mains Pipeline - public hearings on the EES in October and the panel submits its report within 40 days. Viva Energy EES for a gas import terminal. Public consultation and the hearing start early 2022. Victorian Gas Planning Report (VGPR) - Planning by AEMO will be well underway by the time the Roadmap is released. Final is due March 2022. The first draft of AEMO’s 2022 Integrated System Plan (ISP) will be released on 10 Dec '21 15:17:11 From Rhydian C to Everyone: If anyone wants to reach out to collaborate on any ideas or ask any questions, I'm happy to hear from you. rhydian.cowley@hotmail.com. 15:20:20 From John Englart to Everyone: Inquiry into Renewable Energy (Vic Parl) https://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/epc-lc/inquiries/inquiry/996 15:21:24 From Belinda Haydon & Peter Vadiveloo, GECAN - Wurundjeri lands to Everyone: To summarise some comments I made earlier: local sporting clubs are run by volunteers with little time, and are usually cash-strapped. Clubs won’t resist climate change measures if they don’t cost them any money or time. So I think that is how they need to be approached. If they know it won’t cost them any money (and might indeed see them money), and it won’t eat into their beer-drinking time, they will say “go for it, mate”. (This is a bit of a generalisation, but overall accurate I believe, as an active member of local sporting clubs). 15:21:44 From Natalie Laussade-Long to Everyone: Apologies, have to jump off early today! John, will add anything I have to your minutes :) 15:22:18 From Belinda Haydon & Peter Vadiveloo, GECAN - Wurundjeri lands to Everyone: Would love to hear that presentation Jim - Belinda 15:22:54 From Jim Crosthwaite to Everyone: Contact me to follow up on Vic gas, if you can be involved or communicate with your group jimxwaite@gmail.com 15:26:06 From Jim Crosthwaite to Everyone: My Efficient Electric Home - Tim Forcey set it up - can give you his details. Check him out on LinkedIn and by googling too. 15:26:08 From Jim Crosthwaite to Everyone: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MyEfficientElectricHome/ 15:36:12 From Belinda Haydon & Peter Vadiveloo, GECAN - Wurundjeri lands to Everyone: Great episodes Mik & Tony! 15:37:10 From John Englart to Everyone: website: https://www.allforclimate.today/ 15:38:19 From John Englart to Everyone: Yes, for Australia (land) the ave temp rise is now at 1.4C while global ave is currently 1.1C 15:44:39 From Tony Gleeson ( Wurundjeri) to Everyone: If anyone wants some airtime on The Sustainable Hour - 0447619736 15:49:38 From Tam Wurrunjeri Climate Emergency to Everyone: tam hoihuonh123@gmil.com 15:53:14 From Robert Dawlings - ARRCC & CC to Everyone: #Faiths4Climate 15:54:26 From Mary Stringer to Everyone: https://www.studentvoicenetwork.org/ 15:54:28 From Mik Aidt to Everyone: Follow the newsstream on Twitter via this link: https://twitter.com/hashtag/Faiths4Climate 15:54:38 From Mik Aidt to Everyone: https://twitter.com/AusConservation/status/1448816082991468546?s=20 15:56:57 From Laura Grufas - Australian Parents For Climate Action to Everyone: Thanks everyone for a great meeting, great to meet most of you for the first time. I have to run sorry young kids at my heels😅 15:57:38 From Belinda Haydon, GECAN - Wurundjeri lands to Everyone: Thanks Laura! 15:58:42 From Ann Sanson DCAN to Everyone: We (DCAN) are having a talk on the Metro Comm Power Hub too, on 28 Oct., covering similar topics to GECAN’s. ( No star speaker like Judith Lucy though!) 15:59:34 From Mik Aidt to Everyone: Zali Steggall's climate bill and Mass Mailout for Climate www.massmailoutforclimate.org 15:59:39 From Ann Sanson DCAN to Everyone: Sorry, everyone, I have to leave now. Thanks for a great meeting! And thanks to all for your great work for a safe climate future. 15:59:56 From Mik Aidt to Everyone: Podcast introduction to the Australian Climate Revolution www.climatesafety.info/climaterevolution3 Poster project website: www.allforclimate.today 16:00:14 From Mik Aidt to Everyone: Podcast introduction to the Australian Climate Revolution https://www.climatesafety.info/climaterevolution3 Poster project website: https://www.allforclimate.today 16:01:09 From John Englart to Everyone: CAMoreland report: Moreland Council to Phaseout Gas in Fawkner Leisure Centre https://climateactionmoreland.org/2021/10/15/moreland-council-to-phaseout-gas-in-fawkner-leisure-centre/ 3 more Council pools need to phaseout gas. Moreland Council have reduced their operational emissions by 70% since 2011. Getting to the more difficult decarbonisation projects such as heavy vehicle fleet. Climate Coalition of Moreland Organising a decentralised event on November 6 around Moreland in conjunction with Global Day of Action associated with COP26 #MorelandClimateCup (Groups up to 10 as per likely Covid roadmap health restrictions) Global Biomass action day 21 October #BigBadBiomass See https://environmentalpaper.org/2021/09/idoa/ Involving organisations from countries around the world, the International Day of Action on Big Biomass will shine a spotlight on the impacts of large-scale biomass in many of the regions where our membership is active. It will be an online day of events, taking place on 21st October, 16:01:33 From Jim Crosthwaite to Everyone: Zali Steggal bill - https://climateactnow.com.au/ 16:02:54 From Robert Patterson ADAC to Everyone: Please check out MASSMAILOUTFORCLIMATE.ORG 16:06:51 From Robert Dawlings - ARRCC & CC to Everyone: Thanks everyone - I have to go to another meeting 16:08:16 From Mary Stringer to Everyone: Thanks for great facilitation Tony 16:08:48 From Tam Wurrunjeri Climate Emergency to Everyone: Thank you. Must go to church on ARRCC. Cheers, Tam 16:09:05 From Rhydian C to Everyone: https://breakfreestonnington.com/ 16:09:13 From Belinda Haydon, GECAN - Wurundjeri lands to Everyone: Lynn - MECAN? Monash? 16:09:49 From Belinda Haydon, GECAN - Wurundjeri lands to Everyone: Yes, Breakfree Stonnington are great!!