00:12:40 Mick Nolan - Lighter Footprints: Hi John, 00:13:10 John Merory: hi Mick 00:14:03 Mick Nolan - Lighter Footprints: Hi John, great , do you have any info re: the solution for aquatic centres in Moreland CC to phase out of gas I could potentially share with Boroondara CC? 00:14:17 Jim Crosthwaite: Pls add your name/affiliation to chat. 00:14:36 Jim Crosthwaite: Jim Crosthwaite, indep researcher supporting Geelong campaign 00:14:45 Tony - He/him Wurundjeri: Mick can u please put details of the Lighter Footprints event on July 28 here? 00:15:40 Mary Stringer: Mary Stringer, Transition Australia https://transitionaustralia.net/ 00:16:25 Mick Nolan - Lighter Footprints: Our event (with Cam Walker and Tim Forcey) is on 28th July. All welcome. Link for details and RSVP: https://lighterfootprints.org/event/fully-electric/ 00:17:52 John Englart: John Englart - Climate Action Moreland - campaign to phaseout gas in 4 aquatic centres from gas boiler water heater pump, to electric inverter technology for water heating 00:20:46 John Merory: Gas 101 - an intro to the fracking industry Scheduled: 17 Jul 2021 at 11:00 am to 12:30 pm, AEST Location: Online: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/x/gas-101-an-intro-to-the-fracking-industry- 00:23:14 Mick Nolan - Lighter Footprints: Wow Bernie re: LPG = $1/kWh...do you have any references for this calc? 00:27:19 Jim Crosthwaite: https://ieefa.org/ - Bruce's organisation 00:32:19 Sal Fisher - Geelong: Why does the fed government not break up the gas cartel in eastern market if it wants to drive gas consumption up ? 00:37:02 John Englart: Barossa field off the TIWI islands is a CO2 disaster. See this submission https://www.jubileeaustralia.org/storage/app/media/uploaded-files/jbic-submission-on-santos-barossa-project-2021.pdf 00:38:49 Bernie McComb: Is Barossa worse than Natuna Indonesia, 70% CO2, piped to Singapore? 00:39:26 Milad Mousavian: IEEFA Report (By John Robert): http://ieefa.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Should-Santos-Proposed-Barossa-Gas-Backfill-for-the-Darwin-LNG-Facility-Proceed-to-Development_March-2021.pdf 00:40:45 Bernie McComb: For Bass Strait and other gas, does taxpayer always fund and/or own pipeline? 00:41:47 Sal Fisher - Geelong: I told Viva that at their EES consult this week, seems they didn't know that... 00:42:36 Peter Moraitis: Can you give a ballpark figure on the revenue gas companies are making and will make through exports and what is the tax take and royalties by governments? 00:43:31 Peter Moraitis: ie Scarborough Beetalo, Barossa, Galilee and Bowen Basin etc 00:44:32 Sal Fisher - Geelong: What does Bruce see will be the impact of the Port Kembla gas import terminal on Vic supply and prices ? 00:46:07 John Merory: what happened to Snowy 202? 00:47:45 Sal Fisher - Geelong: Does Bruce think the feds will subsidize gas import terminal in Vic ? Viva says its not looking for one but I don't trust that. 00:50:50 Mik Aidt: Bruce, from a climate perspective, why are you so concerned about gas prices being too high? I mean, it would seem that the more we have to pay for gas, the quicker we'll get off it. 00:51:30 Milad Mousavian: Regarding tax and royalties asked by Peter Moraitis : They evade a lot, you may find this report by Bruce Robertson useful: https://ieefa.org/ieefa-australia-oil-and-gas-industry-paying-less-tax-than-telstra/ 00:52:52 Mary Stringer: sorry folks, I have to go. Interesting talk, thanks Bruce 00:53:27 Mick Nolan - Lighter Footprints: It seems the gas development push by Govts will be solved in Vic and maybe then NSW (not Feds) , is it a matter of pushing the economics of heat pumps etc to the broader community and Councils ? 00:54:51 Jim Crosthwaite: What's going on with fossil companies selling fixed assets to big investment funds - Shell and Total with Gladstone LNG plants in 2021, or floating them off in new companies - Vitol/Viva selling off Shell's service station network in 2016? 00:54:55 Peter Moraitis: They’re hoping for the miracle of carbon Sequestration aren’t they? 00:56:44 Bernie McComb: Competitor gas Qatar tax revenue $26Billion/year, Australia $800Million!! 00:58:52 Sal Fisher - Geelong: What length of contracts are likely to be offered to gas import terminal providers ? How long are wholesalers willing to lock themselves into them ? 00:58:55 Jim Crosthwaite: Could Bruce comment on fossil companies pressing hard for hydrogen in Vic's gas network? Great IEEFA article on this in Europe https://ieefa.org/ieefa-europe-snam-and-the-hydrogen-distraction/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ieefa-europe-snam-and-the-hydrogen-distraction 00:59:07 Bernie McComb: What % CO2 from Barossa and are all contaminants freely vented to atmosphere? 00:59:08 Milad Mousavian: @Sal-Fisher, regarding why Fed does not break down the cartel in east coast, one other potential reason on top of the donations is that they prefer to liquify to the gas and export it to gas-hungry consumers (Japan, Korea, China). But these consumers would be no longer “Gas-Hungry) as all of the world are moving toward Net-zero aggressively and their demand would collapse sooner or later. So, It is nothing but a Myth. 00:59:57 Mick Nolan - Lighter Footprints: If Feds won't solve this Bruce (Lib or Labor), what should 'we ' do ? 01:01:51 Peter Moraitis: Can we get a recording of this great webinar quickly for the Beyond gas Network? 01:02:25 Tony - He/him Wurundjeri: Yes it’s being recorded Peter. 01:02:27 Meredith Kefford: ++ Mick Nolan. I’m close to jumping off the cliff …. 01:02:46 Bernie McComb: No gas importing to WA? Why not?!?! 01:03:31 Tony - He/him Wurundjeri: Hang in there Meridith - their greed is killing themselves 01:03:52 Peter Moraitis: isn’t it a good thing for renewables that we have a gas cartel? 01:05:20 Bernie McComb: But isn’t LNP mantra they don’t believe in market intervention? 01:06:26 Bernie McComb: What is life expectancy of pipeline? Longford recently replaced at what cost? 01:08:29 Mick Nolan - Lighter Footprints: That means Govt is a wholesaler!! And therefore the tax payer!!! 01:08:35 Tony - He/him Wurundjeri: Bruce do we know how much the gas companies donate to the Fed LNP & Labor? 01:08:58 Bernie McComb: Hydrogen - how dangerous? If leak does it separate at ceiling? 01:09:12 Mick Nolan - Lighter Footprints: where is the expose of ''offtake agreements'' Bruce ? 01:11:18 Ian Mack: Is it possible to quantify how much the coalition and ALP get in donations from gas industry? 01:15:10 Tony - He/him Wurundjeri: Is there any connection between gas companies & coal companies? 01:19:44 Peter Moraitis: But aren’t the gas exporters hoping to make super profits for the next ten years or so in Asia - going by what the IEA is saying? 01:25:33 Jim Crosthwaite: Spread the word. How to join the VCAN email list. The Google Group for VCAN is vclimateaction. To subscribe, send an email to vclimateaction+subscribe@googlegroups.com You may have to respond to an automatic email asking you to confirm. If you have problems, please email John at johnenglart@takver.com. 01:25:39 Milad Mousavian: 6% 01:26:30 Ann Sanson: My apologies that I got so very delayed in joining the meeting. Ann from DCAN on Wurrundjeri land 01:26:50 Natalie Laussade-Long: Hi ann :) 01:34:05 Peter Moraitis: From a climate perspective isn’t the gas exports the big issue and the domestic use just a relatively small issue? 01:34:52 Jim Crosthwaite: Let's intervene in battle within Vic Govt. Team 1 - Fossil interests likely "represented" by Treasurer and his inquiry Advice on Gas Infrastructure to 2050 - https://www.infrastructurevictoria.com.au/project/infrastructure-victoria-advice-on-gas-infrastructure Presentation on interim report - Wednesday 21 July, 12 – 1pm - Register at https://infrastructurevictoria.cmail20.com/t/i-l-cljukn-juuiijcit-y/ Final report Dec 2021. Responsibility - Tim Pallas, Treasurer The Terms of Reference include the following "Identification of the infrastructure decisions that need to be made, and the timing of those decisions, under each scenario, to ensure opportunities for the existing gas infrastructure can be optimised (including the extent to which gas infrastructure can be used for hydrogen, carbon capture and storage and/or biomethane). 01:35:58 John Englart: Kicking the gas habit https://www.climatecouncil.org.au/resources/gas-habit-how-gas-harming-health/ 01:37:17 Jim Crosthwaite: Need to also influence Team D'Ambosio - hopefully a more balanced in their inquiry. Victoria's Gas Substitution Roadmap - https://engage.vic.gov.au/help-us-build-victorias-gas-substitution-roadmap Submissions close 31st July Released late 2021. Responsibility - Lily D'Ambrosio, Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change The Roadmap will "detail the transition pathways and identify policy mechanisms to achieve Victoria's emissions reduction targets through reduced fugitive emissions, more efficient use of gas, electrification and increased use of alternative gases such as hydrogen and biogas". 01:37:46 John Englart: Environmental upgrade finance https://www.energy.vic.gov.au/energy-efficiency/environmental-upgrade-agreements 01:40:28 Sal Fisher - Geelong: Apparently Libby Coker and Ged Kearney opposed the ALP on Beetaloo, yes/no ? 01:41:17 John Merory: drs started the buggerup campaign against tobacco 01:42:43 John Englart: Yes, Libby and Ged leading the charge against gas in ALP caucus 01:42:54 Milad Mousavian: Thanks All 01:42:57 Milad Mousavian: Bye 01:43:13 Bernie McComb: Thx Bruce 01:43:22 Ian Mack: Thank you all I must away. 01:44:10 Natalie Laussade-Long: I invited my dad (Who has said on occasion that gas must be used as a transition fuel) to listen in on Bruce's talk, haha hopefully that will shut him up 01:44:58 John Englart: well done Natalie :) 01:49:28 Sal Fisher - Geelong: Might be good to ask about those gas off-take agreements at the Infrastructure Vic consultation and flag it as a way gas will get subsidized by stealth 01:56:15 Peter Moraitis: Thanks unfortunately I have to go - a great webinar. 02:00:41 Jim Crosthwaite: Approval decision on major gas pipeline across the west and north of Melbourne - https://engage.vic.gov.au/worm-inquiry EES documents prepared by APA (Aust Pipelines) are at https://www.apa.com.au/worm/ees Written submissions close Tuesday 17th August. Responsibility - Richard Wynne, Minister for Planning The website states "To ensure Victoria's gas transmission network can service current peak demand, the project proposes to connect the South West Pipeline to the Victorian Northern Iinterconnect, allowing gas to be circulated across Victoria with greater efficiency by increasing transfer capacity from one side of the State to the other." We need to examine if this project will better distribute remaining gas, or is it designed for new gas and to prolong gas use? 02:04:17 Bernie McComb: War on waste did great job with a school 02:15:12 Mik Aidt: Ann's Darebin posters reminded me that I forgot to mention this project: #AllForClimate - about producing posters for each sector in society 02:15:20 Jim Crosthwaite: To save the chat to computer, you can click on 3 little dots adjacent to the last chat message. 02:15:28 Ann Sanson: Darebin Youth Forum 7 August I think. Contact me if you’re interested. 02:17:57 John Englart: Have been busy typing the notes/minutes :) 02:18:29 Natalie Laussade-Long: Thanks John! 02:18:56 Mik Aidt: Here's the link to the podcast where we talk about the poster project 02:18:57 Mik Aidt: https://climatesafety.info/thesustainablehour371/