00:11:35 John Englart: Rolling meeting notes here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13TEXJ_pxs8VINuS1FVizHRZjTL3ZiXiWhfZhXudlugA/edit#heading=h.9j8gihe41z06 00:18:34 Robert Davis: Who has received a letter from Viva in response to the EES submission for the Gelong gas import terminal? 00:23:40 Michael Poland: I’ll be back in 2 minutes 00:34:32 John Englart: The Fossil Fuel Treaty website: https://fossilfueltreaty.org/ Campaign hub: https://campaign.fossilfueltreaty.org/ 00:39:08 John Englart: Fossil Fuel exit Strategy PDF by Dr Sven Teske & Dr Sarah Niklas, University of Technology Sydney, June 2021 https://fossilfueltreaty.org/exit-strategy/pdf 00:42:44 John Englart: Nobel Laureates’ Statement to Climate Summit World Leaders: Keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground https://fossilfueltreaty.org/nobel-letter 00:46:24 Lynn Frankes Lighter Footprints: What obligations arise if a Council signs the treaty? 00:48:33 Michael Poland: Slides available here if useful: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rsCUFdlfym35ccTUOqCz4naaKVVaKSwIUKf5q-GLP4E/edit#slide=id.gae15ba4ebf_1_785 00:49:23 John Englart: The Moreland Council motion (which I drafted) https://climateactionmoreland.org/2021/05/13/moreland-council-endorses-fossil-fuel-treaty/ 00:51:07 Mary Stringer: If there are no real obligations on a Council, why would a Council NOT support the treaty? 00:51:47 Lynn Frankes Lighter Footprints: Try living in Boroondara! 00:53:47 Michael Poland: SAFE Cities campaign here – it’s US focussed but has a number of fossil fuel phase out policy proposals and examples for city councils: https://www.stand.earth/page/fossil-fuel-free/what-are-safe-cities 00:55:58 John Englart: Victorian Trades Hall employs a Just Transition Officer and have reports on climate justice and Unions https://www.weareunion.org.au/climatejustice 00:57:24 John Englart: White Paper on need for a global registry of Fossil Fuels https://fossilfueltreaty.org/s/A-Global-Registry-of-Fossil-Fuels-White-Paper.pdf 00:59:02 Bernie McComb: Recent Zoom meet in La Trobe Valley, mention of Transition need new jobs to area, problem from one person, his brother and most people employed in mining accustomed to income $250k annual. 01:01:30 Michael Poland: michael@fossilfueltreaty.org + 0419 581 748 01:07:34 Bernie McComb: Thx Michael 01:12:28 Jim Crosthwaite: Team decided to organise what the August meet up will include: Sally Newell, Ann Sanson, Jane Morton, Tony Gleeson & John Meroy (If anyone else wishes to join, feel free to ask for any of their email addresses). From April minutes 01:18:59 John Englart: It appears commercial/industrial scale heat inverter technology for water heating has advanced substantially in last few years. This is a relevant state Gov current consultation on use of heat pumps for water heating... https://engage.vic.gov.au/commercial-and-industrial-heat-pump-water-heating 01:19:45 John Englart: current campaign on transitioning gas to heat our pools in Moreland https://www.petitions.net/heat_our_pools_sustainably_moreland 01:20:22 Jim Crosthwaite: 2021 article on renewable energy use in Australian hospitals . gas use is shown . hospitals doing far less than universities https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.02.25.21252432v1.full.pdf 01:27:20 Mary Stringer- Transition Australia: https://storiesandimages.net/ 01:35:29 John Englart: Peoples climate strategy pdf https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/friendsofearthmelbourne/pages/3766/attachments/original/1619411180/FoE_People's_Climate_Strategy_for_Victoria.pdf?1619411180 01:36:13 Mary Stringer- Transition Australia: Another wonderful resource is the music and videos offered for free by Music for a Warming World https://www.musicforawarmingworld.org/ 01:38:54 John Englart: Climate Choir website https://climatechoirmelbourne.wordpress.com/ 01:40:12 John Englart: Carbon canaries https://carboncanaries.com.au/ 01:42:14 John Englart: Darebin Council and lack of climate emergency? https://www.darebincan.org.au/concerns_council_ce 01:52:59 Jim Crosthwaite: Riff Raff radical marching band https://www.facebook.com/riffraffmelbourne?filter=2 01:54:24 John Englart: Moreland Olympian highlights climate action https://climateactionmoreland.org/2021/06/08/moreland-olympian-highlights-climate-action/ 01:55:57 Mary Stringer- Transition Australia: thanks for all the links John